Custom Paintings - Sports Themes
Commission a painting about your favorite sport or sports team.

A collector requested this painting, after providing several photos of himself on the golf course.

One of our collectors commissioned this cubist style golf painting for his entertainment room.

Whatever your favorite sport or team is, this collage style is perfect to capture those moments that mean the most to you.

A collector provided multiple photos and requested a painting celebrating her extensive career as an award-winning equestrian. Choosing a jewel tone color palette, the style was to be somewhat abstract.
How do I commission a painting?
Start by calling 312-292-7904, or e-mail us to discuss your custom painting.
Popular sizes:
18" x 24"__ 24" x 24"__ 24" x 30"__ 24" x 36"__ 30" x 40"__ 36" x 36"__ 36" x 48"__ 36" x 60"__ 48" x 48"__ 48" x 60"
We've created paintings as large as 60" x 72", 60" x 96", and 72" x 150".
Diptychs (2 canvasses) and Triptychs (3 canvasses) are also available.
Contact us with any questions. Customer service is prompt, often immediate, and you will always speak directly to one of our 2 primary artists.